
                                                         Go For Gold

                                                      By Grace Wilson

I dashed over to the matted springboard floor and started stretching. My coach joined me as I finished my middle split. My coach told me "make sure your legs are straight." So I did another. I asked "where do I go now?" "Floor" my coach responded. I lined up at the corner of the floor, threw my hands up and sprung into a round off . My hands brushed off of the mat and I was on my feet again. Three seconds later, I was leaning back into my back handspring. "Whoosh!" I leapt off of my hands again. Once again, I was on my feet. I jumped backwards and folded my arms against my chest. I twisted around and landed. "Yippee!I landed it correctly!" I shouted, surprised. I did it once, twice, three times, four, after a while I got tired and fell on my butt. I was gasping for a breath. "Go get a drink, it will make you energized again." My coach said to my deep breaths. I went and got a drink and, sure enough I was ready to do something crazy. I said "I want to go to bars." I walked past the rusted metal bleachers and stood at the edge of the springboard.
I bounced and lounged at the bar, grabbing it as I did my kip up. My hips landed on the bar and I did a back hip circle swinging around the bar. I put my feet on the bar, I jumped onto the high bar and re-gripped, jumped my hips up, casted and did my shootout. I walked over past the bar and the floor to the beam. My coach asked "why are you only doing one thing at each station? I responded "I'm trying things I've never tried before. I'm scared I will hurt myself. Plus the next major competition is three months away, I CAN'T hurt myself." My coach practically shouted, "You need to work hard to train for the competition! If you get hurt I'm sure you will get better." I quietly said "Okay" and I walked back to the bars.
I tried my routine on the bars again and said, "what now?" My coach said that I could go to beam and practice my back handspring so I did. I pushed myself up on the beam and did a cartwheel. I then did a back handspring feeling for the beam as my hands found the red beam cover. I jumped off my hands and landed it. I did it a couple times before realizing that my legs weren't together, but it was too late as I fell off the beam hitting my head on it and finally, letting unconsciousness swallow me into complete darkness.
Someone tapping on my shoulder softly woke me up. At that instant, I knew it was Skyler, my best friend. When she noticed that I was awake she said "Chloe! The doctors told me what happened. Are you okay? Btw... You broke your wrist. I knew your favorite color is pink so I told them..." I tuned out her non-stop talking to look at my arm. There was a neon pink cast on my left arm with big letters saying Sky :) I smiled but then frowned and said "but, my favorite color is red." Skyler turned to me and asked, "did you say something Chloe?" I rolled my eyes and Skyler kept talking. Thankfully, a nurse wearing a mint green outfit said, "you're all set to leave. Have a nice weekend." I walked briskly to the elevator and pushed the down button. Skyler said "I'll get your stuff, Chloe. Sorry you broke yo-" I sighed a breath of relief as the elevator doors closed. I tapped the "Floor One" button and listened to the tropical elevator music. When the doors finally opened, I stepped out of the elevator watching the doors close. I walked out of the waiting room. I was about to step into the city rush, but Skyler found me and gave me my purple gym bag. I looked through it to make sure my water bottle and key card was there and they were. I said "thanks" and stepped out the doors. I went to my sister, Dj's apartment and flipped on the news.
4 weeks later...
I was so excited to get my cast off, I called Skyler to come with me. As I stepped into the 3rd floor I broke into a jog. A busy nurse scolded me, "Slow Down!" I said "sorry." I stepped into the room with the doctor and he told me "this won't hurt. We will put a ruler that separates your cast from your skin." I watched as he put the ruler in my cast and lowered the saw. It took about 10 minutes for the saw to cut it off and for him to try to take off the most of the dead skin. Once I was out of the hospital, I cheered. "Yes! It's off!" I high fived Skyler.

For the next month I did the routine perfectly. I fell like, six times, but I did everything right. Then it was the competition. I was nervous, and I didn't win. But I came in second! When I returned home, I put the silver medal and flowers on Dj's award stand.  "another silver medal." I said, to one one in particular. Next time, I was going to go for gold.   

Sweet Frog is the Best Place to Get Frozen Yogurt
By: Gracie Wilson

     Sometimes you don't know what flavor frozen yogurt to get. At SweetFrog you can have more than one flavor. Sweet Frog is the best place to get frozen yogurt because there are so many flavors, there are so many toppings, but most of all they have self serve machines.
    SweetFrog is the best place to get frozen yogurt because there are so many flavors. One time I got Cake frosting and Oreo crumble. It was amazing!
    SweetFrog is the best place to get frozen yogurt because there are so many toppings that make the frozen yogurt crazy yummy and fun! Some of the toppings include, gummy frogs, M&M's, Oreo crumble, skittles and many others.

    Although SweetFrog is the best place to get frozen yogurt because there are so many flavors, tons of yummy toppings, SweetFrog is the best place to get frozen yogurt because they have self serve machines. Some good things about this are: if you just ate dinner and you're full, you can have frozen yogurt but less than you'd normally have. One other good thing is you could get hundreds of combinations!

1 comment:

  1. Gracie! I am amazed at the writer you have become. As I was reading your story I was impressed by the descriptive details you used. It felt as though I was reading a book. I know, I may be biased but seriously! Not everyone has the ability to express to their audience a story that flows and captivates their readers. Possibly a future writer in our family? Your hard work shows in your story, therefore you shine. Be proud of what your hard work has done for your writing Gracie. Keep going with it. I'm looking forward to reading more of what you decide to share. You go girl!
